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*토요일은 당직 근무 입니다. 예약 및 방문 전, 문의 바랍니다.
*토요일 진료일 : 7월 6, 27일
  • 전문분야
    • 척추비수술치료(신경 성형술 & 수핵성형술 & 풍선성형술)
    • 척추내시경 및 미세현미경 수술
    • 척추외상(골절) 및 척추재수술(최소침습)
    • 척추측만증
  • 경력
    • 서울아산병원 외래교수
    • 세계요추학회 임원
    • 대한최소침습척추학회 위원
    • 아시아 태평양 미세침습 척추학회 준비위원
    • 국민연금공단 자문의사 & 네이버 지식인닥터
    • 서울아산병원 척추전임의 역임
    • 부민병원 척추센터장 & 교육수련부장 및 지도전문의 역임
    • 대한정형외과학회 회원 대한척추외과학회 정회원
    • 아시아-태평양 최소침습학회(PASMISS) 정회원
    • 한국 근골계 초음파학회, 대한관절경학회 정회원
    • 대한척추인공관절학회 회원
    • 아시아-태평양 정형외과(APOA) Spine Award 수상(2007)
  • 논문발표
    • 2007 APOA (Asian Pacific Othropaedic association) Spine Award.
      The Comparison of the Results between AO Internal Fixator.
      Long lever arm and Screw Rod System Short lever arm.
      through Posterior Approach in Unstable Thoracolumbar Fractures.
    • 2007 PASMISS (Pacific & Asian Society of MISS) in Korea.
      Clinical Outcome of PELD via Transforaminal Approach for Lumbar Disc Herniation
    • 2009 PASMISS in Osaka, Japan.
      Microsurgical excision of symptomatic tarlov cyst.
      Microdecompression at Lumbarsacral junction
    • 2009 KOMISS.
      Contralateral radiculopathy after Unilateral TLIF
    • 2010 KSSS (Korean Society of Spine Surgery) Spring Congress.
      Clinical & Radiological Results of Minimally Invasive Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Single-Level Fusion.
      Minimum 2 years Follow Up
    • 2010 PASMISS in Taipei, Taiwan.
      Risk factor of posterior migration of PEEK cage in MI-TLIF
    • 2010 KSSS (Korean Society of Spine Surgery) Fall Congress.
      Complications associated with Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion
    • 2011 KSSS (Korean Society of Spine Surgery) Spring Congress
    • 2011 PASMISS in Busan, South Korea.
      Clinical & Radiological Outcomes of Subsidence of PEEK Cage in Minimally Invasive TLIF
    • 2011 ISSLS (International Spine Society of Lumbar Spine) in Sweden.
      Does minimally invasive transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion.
      really decrease the rate of complications compared with conventional lumbar fusion?
    • 2012 KOMISS Spring congress.
      Direct lateral interbody fusion
    • 2012 KSSS (Korean Society of Spine Surgery) Spring Congress.
      Accurate placement of Percutaneous screw fixation In Mi-TLIF
    • 2012 ISSLS (International Spine Society of Lumbar Spine) in Amsterdam).
      Subsidence Polyetheretherketone cage in minimally invasive TLIF
    • 2013 KSSS (Korean Society of Spine Surgery) Spring Congress).
      Contrallateral indirect neural decompression in Mi-TLIF
    • 2013 PASMISS in Miyazaki.
      PEEK Cage in Minimally Invasive TLIF Subsidence incidence, Risk factors & Clinical Outcomes
    • 2014 ISSLS in Seoul, South Korea.
      Adjacent segmental disease in Minimally Invasive TLIF
    • 2015 ISSLS in San fransisco, USA.
      Radiological risk factors for instrumentation failures after minimally invasive transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion
    • 2015 KSSS (Korean Society of Spine Surgery) Fall Congress PELD in foraminal stenosis
    • 2015 PASMISS (Pacific & Asian Society of MISS) in Daejeon, South Korea PELD in far lateral HIVD
    • 2016 KOMISS Spring Congress in Jeonju, South Korea SELD(Sacral epiduroscopic laser decompression)
    • 2016 KSSS (Korean Society of Spine Surgery) Spring Congress in Busan, South Korea
    • Comparison of transforaminal & interlamination approach in PELD for L5-S1 disc Herniation
    • 2016 KSSS (Korean Society of Spine Surgery) Spring
    • Unrecognized dural tear in PELD
    • 2016 KSSS (Korean Society of Spine Surgery) fall congress technical tip to prevent complication in PELD
    • 2017 KOMISS Spring Congress in Seoul, South Korea Recent trends in Transforaminal PELD
    • 2017. 12. 4 대한척추외과학회 최소침습연구회 Casaver Workshop, Uniportal PELD Transforaminal vs Interlaminar
    • ●2018년도 학술발표●
    • 2018. 3. 31 대한최소침습척추학회 춘계심포지엄, 최소침습수술에 있어 최상의 적응증
    • 2018. 10. 7 2018 대한척추외과학회 최소침습척추치료 연구회, Percutaneous Endoscopic Lumbar Foraminoplasty for Lumbar disc herniation
    • ●2019년도 학술발표●
    • 2019. 4. 8 APSS APPOS 2019, PEEK Cage in Minimally Invasive TLIF Subsidence indence, Risk Factors &Clinacal Outcomes 포스터발표
    • 2019. 4. 13 2019 대한척추외과학회 최소침습척추치료연구회 춘계심포지움, Complcations related PELD
    • 2019. 9. 28 2019 대한척추외과학회 최소침습척추치료연구회 추계심포지움, TLIF: Complications associated TLIF
    • 2019. 11. 15 제26차 대한척추외과학회 추계학술대회 Water & Epidural Pressure During PELD
    • 2019. 11. 30 2019 대한척추외과학회 최소침습 연구회 Cadaver Workshop Transforaminal technique of uniportal
    • Endoscopic Lumbar Disecetomy 발표
  • 논문게재
    • The Comparison of the Results between AO Internal Fixator(Long lever-arm) and Screw-Rod System (Short lever-arm)through Posterior Approach in Unstable Thoracolumbar Fractures.
      May. 2008 Korean Society of Spine Surgery
    • Pediatric Lumbar Epidural Abscess Combined with Cauda Equina Syndrome.
      Vol 5, No. 2 June 2011 Asian Spine Journal
    • The Clinical and Radiological Outcomes of Mi-TLIF single Level Fusion.
      Vol 5, No 2, June 2011 Asian Spine Journal
    • Accurate placement of Percutaneous screw fixation In Mi-TLIF.
      July 2011 European Spine Journal
    • Non-operative treatment of proximal humerus valgus impaction fracture.
      Jan. 2011 Korean Society of Fracture surgery
    • Outcomes of Tight loupe in AC-CC injury
      Feb. 2011 Korean Society of Arthroscopy
    • The Result of Minimally invasive Transforaminal Lumbar Fusion in Low Grade Spondylolisthesis – Minimum 2 Years Follow Up.
      May 2013 Korean Society of Spine Surgery
    • Subsidence Polyetheretherketone cage in minimally invasive TLIF
      April 2013 Journal of Spinal Disorder & Technology
    • Can unilateral-approach minimally invasive transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion attain indirect contralateral decompression? A preliminary report of 66 MRI analyses
      (January, 2014 European Spine Journal)